Suppor DevBBa_K1433013 Version 1 (Component)rT-rRFP-rRBS-attB-P-attP-RBS-lambda red-RBS-GFP-T-P-RBS-gp47-tag-T
BBa_K1520018BBa_K1520018 Version 1 (Component)Prlux-rbs-cI-Ter-PcI-rbs-lacI-Ter
BBa_K1520519BBa_K1520519 Version 1 (Component)PgolTS-golS-PgolB-tetR-Ter-PtetO-rfp-Ter
BBa_K497011BBa_K497011 Version 1 (Component)Agrobacterium tumefaciens bacteriophytochrome fwd primer with RBS insertion
PLacI-TetRBBa_K257015 Version 1 (Component)PLacI + RBS-tetR + Ter
BBa_K257026BBa_K257026 Version 1 (Component)PLac + RBS-TetR + Ter
BBa_K187318BBa_K187318 Version 1 (Component)ispU ORF, Forward Primer
BBa_K187059BBa_K187059 Version 1 (Component)kdsB ORF forward primer
BBa_I13213BBa_I13213 Version 1 (Component)BioBricked version of the natural Lux system with order reversed
BBa_K1520024BBa_K1520024 Version 1 (Component)Pcons2-rbs-lacI-Ter-Plac-rbs-luxI-Ter-Pcons2-rbs-luxR-Ter-Prlux-rbs-rfp-rbs-luxI-rbs-luxR-Ter
BBa_K1460001BBa_K1460001 Version 1 (Component)pT7 + RBS + GST (glutathione-S-transferase)-CRS5 (metallothionein) + Ter
BBa_J75003BBa_J75003 Version 1 (Component)TetR-Ter-lambdaPr-RBS
BBa_J72052BBa_J72052 Version 1 (Component)Bacteriocin release protein
BBa_K112321BBa_K112321 Version 1 (Component){H-NS!} using MG1655 reverse oligo in BBb format
BBa_J70457BBa_J70457 Version 1 (Component)yfp RBS, {0,5;15,10} family member - B0030 simulator (reverse oligo)
BBa_J70588BBa_J70588 Version 1 (Component){15,18;13,10} BsaXI BioScaffold (reverse R0040-B0034-E1010-B0010-B0012)
BBa_K787002BBa_K787002 Version 1 (Component)pCWORi-ter-adhE2
BBa_K2123203BBa_K2123203 Version 1 (Component)Mer Operon Device
BBa_I715013BBa_I715013 Version 1 (Component)pLac-lox-RFP(reverse)-TT-lox-RBS-Tet (psB3K3)
IBMc425IBMc425 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(170-213)-Ter
IBMc429IBMc429 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(177-213)-Ter
IBMc418IBMc418 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(55-213)-Ter
IBMc419IBMc419 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(76-213)-Ter
IBMc417IBMc417 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(53-213)-Ter
IBMc426IBMc426 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(171-213)-Ter
IBMc423IBMc423 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(115-213)-Ter
IBMc427IBMc427 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(172-213)-Ter
IBMc424IBMc424 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(117-213)-Ter
IBMc422IBMc422 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(112-213)-Ter
IBMc421IBMc421 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(110-213)-Ter
IBMc420IBMc420 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(78-213)-Ter
IBMc428IBMc428 Version 1 (Component)pSB3T5(BsaI-)-PPhlF-RiboJ-B32-M86C-S-SrpR(176-213)-Ter
BBa_K187366BBa_K187366 Version 1 (Component)pAB_R (B end) USER primer for BioBytes plasmid pAB
BBa_K187368BBa_K187368 Version 1 (Component)pBA_R (A end) USER primer for BioBytes plasmid pBA
BBa_K1813045BBa_K1813045 Version 1 (Component)<i>LacI Reversed, cch2, nicC and nicX</i> Regulon
BBa_K1641016BBa_K1641016 Version 1 (Component)Up-side-down RBS::mcherry-ssra with Rox, recognition site of Dre
BBa_K1460007BBa_K1460007 Version 1 (Component)Anderson Promoter + merT + merP + Ter + pT7 + GST-CRS5 + Ter
LacOp DelBBa_M36137 Version 1 (Component)Lac Operon deleted CAP binding site
BBa_K1368013BBa_K1368013 Version 1 (Component)plac+taRNA+ter
BBa_K1368007BBa_K1368007 Version 1 (Component)pluxR+taRNA+Ter
SapI (reveBBa_B0103 Version 1 (Component)SapI restriction enzyme site, reversed (offset cutter)
BBa_K944011BBa_K944011 Version 1 (Component)CioAB with GFP Reporter+Ter
SBOLDesigner CAD ToolSBOLDesigner Version 3.1 (Agent)SBOLDesigner is a simple, biologist-friendly CAD software tool for creating and manipulating the sequences of genetic constructs using the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) 2 data model. Throughout the design process, SBOL Visual symbols, a system of schematic glyphs, provide standardized visualizations of individual parts. SBOLDesigner completes a workflow for users of genetic design automation tools. It combines a simple user interface with the power of the SBOL standard and serves as a launchpad for more detailed designs involving simulations and experiments. Some new features in SBOLDesigner are the ability to add variant collections to combinatorial derivations, enumerating those collections, and the ability to view sequence features hierarchically. There are also some small changes to the way that preferences work in regards to saving a design with incomplete sequences.
SBOLDesigner CAD ToolSBOLDesigner Version 3.0 (Agent)SBOLDesigner is a simple, biologist-friendly CAD software tool for creating and manipulating the sequences of genetic constructs using the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) 2 data model. Throughout the design process, SBOL Visual symbols, a system of schematic glyphs, provide standardized visualizations of individual parts. SBOLDesigner completes a workflow for users of genetic design automation tools. It combines a simple user interface with the power of the SBOL standard and serves as a launchpad for more detailed designs involving simulations and experiments. Some new features in SBOLDesigner are SynBioHub integration, local repositories, importing of parts/sequences from existing files, import and export of GenBank and FASTA files, extended role ontology support, the ability to partially open designs with multiple root ComponentDefinitions, backward compatibility with SBOL 1.1, and versioning.
BBa_I741017BBa_I741017 Version 1 (Component)dual facing promoter controlled by xylR and CRP-cAMP (I741015 reverse complement)
BioBrick-fBBa_G1004 Version 1 (Component)Forward BioBrick prefix primer for amplifying BioBrick parts (BioBrick-f)