Types | DnaRegion
Roles | engineered_region
Sequences | BBa_K237002_sequence (Version 1)
RIP or RNAIII inhibiting peptide is a heptapeptide capable of severely reducing the Qourum sensing(QS) abilities of Staphylococcus species. RIP effectively works as an antibiotic in its inhibition of bacterial growth.
RIP has the sequence YSPXTNF and has been tested extensively in a synthetic (as in organic) form for ability to inhibit bacterial infections in mice.
References will come later.
There are 4 versions of RIP producers from us.
1 - Constitutively produced RIP without an export sequence
2 - Inducibly produced RIP without an export sequence
3 - Constitutively produced RIP with an export sequence (OmpA)
4 - Inducibly produced RIP with an export sequence (OmpA)
This is number 1
The RIP peptide is produced by coagulase negative staphylococcus (suggested to be S. warnerii or S. xylosus).