BBa_K1767009BBa_K1767009 Version 1 (Component)P(Lac)IQ RBS Aiia RBS LuxR ter ter luxpR RBS eyfp ter ter
BBa_K077039BBa_K077039 Version 1 (Component)cI under control of the plac promotor
BBa_K1758202BBa_K1758202 Version 1 (Component)His-tagged lac repressor fused to superfolder GFP under the control of the T7 promoter
BBa_K802002BBa_K802002 Version 1 (Component)P<sub>lac</sub>(<i>B. subtilis</i>)-RBS(<i>E. coli</i>)-GFP
BBa_K539673BBa_K539673 Version 1 (Component)a RBS (B0032)+ilvC+a RBS (B0032)+ilvD with RNA thermometer+tetR+terminator
BBa_K539674BBa_K539674 Version 1 (Component)a RBS (B0030)+ilvC+a RBS (B0030)+ilvD with RNA thermometer+tetR+terminator
BBa_K876016BBa_K876016 Version 1 (Component)plac-lacO-RBS-GFP-T-pTet-LacI
BBa_K091190BBa_K091190 Version 1 (Component)plux/cI+RBS+lasI+RBS+Mnt+TT+pMnt/lac+RBS+lasI+RBS+cI+TT
BBa_K187409BBa_K187409 Version 1 (Component)trpA in pAB
BBa_J64706BBa_J64706 Version 1 (Component)trpA from B. subtilis
BBa_K2139009BBa_K2139009 Version 1 (Component)Ptac RBS Endo5a
BBa_K079024BBa_K079024 Version 1 (Component)LacI repressor under the control of the J23118 costitutive promoter and Lac 1 operator
BBa_K1753000BBa_K1753000 Version 1 (Component)the omega subunit of E.coli RNA polymerase with T7 promoter, RBS and terminator(BBa_B0014)
BBa_J36849BBa_J36849 Version 1 (Component)Lac-inducible generator of Lpp-OmpA(46-66)-Streptavidin single-chain dimeric + His6 tag
BBa_J36851BBa_J36851 Version 1 (Component)Lac-inducible generator of Lpp-OmpA(46-159)-Streptavidin single-chain dimeric + His6 tag
BBa_K077041BBa_K077041 Version 1 (Component)AiiA and cII under control of plac promotor
BBa_K1706007BBa_K1706007 Version 1 (Component)T7 RNA Polymerase gene
BBa_K639004BBa_K639004 Version 1 (Component)rrnB P1-LacI-pLac-mCherry plausible stress sensor
BBa_K843003BBa_K843003 Version 1 (Component)Lambda cI regulated by PLacI
BBa_M45760BBa_M45760 Version 1 (Component)K208010:M45710, A composite part for AvrA with a Lac promoter and ribosome binding site.
BBa_K539691BBa_K539691 Version 1 (Component)promoter(lacI regulated)+Alss+ilvC+ilvD(each preceded by own RBS)and RNA thermometer+terminator
BBa_K079052BBa_K079052 Version 1 (Component)LacI repressor and GFP reporter proteins controlled by the J23118 promoter and Lac symmetric operato
BBa_K079020BBa_K079020 Version 1 (Component)GFP reporter under the control of J23118 promoter and Lac 2 operator auto-regulated by LacI protein
BBa_K079051BBa_K079051 Version 1 (Component)LacI repressor and GFP reporter proteins controlled by the J23118 promoter and Lac 1 operator
BBa_K2036028BBa_K2036028 Version 1 (Component)placm-pRE-RBS-Cro-RBS-CII-TT-patp2-RBS-CI-TT-pR-RBS-CIII-RBS-ompA-iLDH-TT-pRM-RBS-beta-galactosidase
BBa_K1767005BBa_K1767005 Version 1 (Component)P(Lac)IQ RBS LuxR ter ter luxpR RBS tetR ter ter P(tetR) RBS mRFP1 ter ter
BBa_S03737BBa_S03737 Version 1 (Component)pLac-lox-RFP(reverse)-TT-lox-RBS-Tet (psB1A2)
pTetR-RFP-BBa_I763040 Version 1 (Component)RFP regulated by TetR and GFP regulated by pLac
BBa_K252002BBa_K252002 Version 1 (Component)MicF small RNA
BBa_J31016BBa_J31016 Version 1 (Component)part produces the RNA construct crRNA-RBS-GFPLVA-tt that can only be translated in the presence of t
BBa_K2036024BBa_K2036024 Version 1 (Component)placm-pRE-RBS-Cro-RBS-CII-TT-patp2-RBS-CI-TT-pR-RBS-CIII-RBS-iLDH-TT-pRM-RBS-beta-galactosidase
BBa_K1132000BBa_K1132000 Version 1 (Component)T7 RNA Polymerase
BBa_K1864001BBa_K1864001 Version 1 (Component)T7 RNA Polymerase
BBa_K1942001BBa_K1942001 Version 1 (Component)This part is a short RNA sequence designed for KRAS gene silencing. It is used for down-regulating K
RNAcjBBa_K1826005 Version 1 (Component)RNA thermometer + cjBlue
BBa_K1813002BBa_K1813002 Version 1 (Component)Lac I repressor
BBa_K1767003BBa_K1767003 Version 1 (Component)P(Lac)IQ RBS Aiia RBS LuxR ter ter luxpR RBS tetR ter ter P(tetR) RBS mRFP1 ter ter
CmsRNABBa_K1960102 Version 1 (Component)sRNA, which can silence chloramphenicol resistance
BBa_J119075BBa_J119075 Version 1 (Component)pT7-RBS-RFP-pLacI-RBS-T7RNAP
BBa_K358000BBa_K358000 Version 1 (Component)Lac promoter with GFP
BBa_K199071BBa_K199071 Version 1 (Component)I13453:K199014: Pbad promomtor with the suppressor tRNA of the codon AGGAC
CP1LacPI2BBa_K418002 Version 1 (Component)IPTG inducible Lac promoter cassette
BBa_K1777012BBa_K1777012 Version 1 (Component)sequence-specific RNA binding protein
BBa_K1777014BBa_K1777014 Version 1 (Component)sequence-specific RNA binding protein
BBa_K1777013BBa_K1777013 Version 1 (Component)sequence-specific RNA binding protein
BBa_K1777004BBa_K1777004 Version 1 (Component)sequence-specific RNA binding protein
BBa_K2050419BBa_K2050419 Version 1 (Component)RNA Polimerase III Promoter (H1 promoter)
BBa_K1824559BBa_K1824559 Version 1 (Component)RNA Thermometer FourU (Specially designed for J23119)