Types | DnaRegion
Roles | Device
Sequences | BBa_J64032_sequence (Version 1)
The pCASP circuit is a protein expression and secretion circuit. The system is currently only functional when expressed in Salmonella under SPI-1 expressing conditions. When SPI-1 is expressed the pCASP circuit will be activated for expression at the same time natural effectors would normally turn on and secrete. This circuit will express a protein of interest fused to the SptP167 secretion signal along with co-expression of the sicP chaperone. This combination is sufficient to direct the protein of interest to the export machinery and elicit secretion to the extracellular environment. In the initial configuration of this circuit the DH guanine exchange factor is used as a de-bugging secreted protein.
Note: Some evidence exists of impassible substrates for the secretion machinery. Most of these proteins are highly thermodynamically stable domains that cannot be unfolded to transit through the secretion system.
This device was not designed with biobrick standard assembly in mind and has several of the scar sequence sites throughout the circuit.
This is a composite part consisting of both natural and synthetic DNA components