BBa_K2123111BBa_K2123111 Version 1 (Component)Tac promoter with downstream mer operator + RFP (K081014)
BBa_K2123115BBa_K2123115 Version 1 (Component)Universal promoter (Tac + JK26) for both growth phase with downstream mer operator + K081014
BBa_K2123112BBa_K2123112 Version 1 (Component)Tac promoter in tandem (3 repetition) with downstream mer operator + RFP (K081014)
BBa_K2123114BBa_K2123114 Version 1 (Component)Stationary phase promoter in tandem (3 repetition) with downstream mer operator + RFP (K081014)
BBa_K2123116BBa_K2123116 Version 1 (Component)Universal promoter for both phase of growth in tandem with downstram mer operator + RFP (K081014)
BBa_K2123110BBa_K2123110 Version 1 (Component)Improved Mer Operon Device with novel regulated exponential promoter
BBa_K2123109BBa_K2123109 Version 1 (Component)Stationary promoter with downstream mer operator
BBa_K2123117BBa_K2123117 Version 1 (Component)Novel RFP device regulated by mercury: MerR (regulatory protein) + Stationary phase with mer operato
Cld(-SP)BBa_K2179003 Version 1 (Component)Chlorite Dismutase CDS+RBS from I. dechloratans with His-tag
BBa_M50026BBa_M50026 Version 1 (Component)Gold Detection Device with Promoter RBS and GolS
BBa_J100309BBa_J100309 Version 1 (Component)actClone Red with wt full OmpR promoter
BBa_J100310BBa_J100310 Version 1 (Component)J100287 with two bases removed between gene III and GFP
BBa_M50040BBa_M50040 Version 1 (Component)cusR protein with deletion at 650 (E. coli)
BBa_M50047BBa_M50047 Version 1 (Component)Linear DNA to be used with HIV I Integrase pD649
BBa_J100314BBa_J100314 Version 1 (Component)actClone Red (J100204) with scrambled OmpR promoter (J100313)
BBa_J329006BBa_J329006 Version 1 (Component)Simple QS Circuit with GFP Controlled by LuxR Promoter
BBa_J100312BBa_J100312 Version 1 (Component)repClone Red (J100205) with scrambled TetR promoter (J100311)
Free Genes Feature Librariesfree_genes_feature_libraries_collection Version 1 (Collection)A collection of Free Genes feature libraries for use with Synthetic Biology Curation Tools (SYNBICT).
iGEM Feature Librariesigem_feature_libraries_collection Version 1 (Collection)A collection of iGEM feature libraries for use with Synthetic Biology Curation Tools (SYNBICT).
SBOLDesigner CAD ToolSBOLDesigner Version 3.1 (Agent)SBOLDesigner is a simple, biologist-friendly CAD software tool for creating and manipulating the sequences of genetic constructs using the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) 2 data model. Throughout the design process, SBOL Visual symbols, a system of schematic glyphs, provide standardized visualizations of individual parts. SBOLDesigner completes a workflow for users of genetic design automation tools. It combines a simple user interface with the power of the SBOL standard and serves as a launchpad for more detailed designs involving simulations and experiments. Some new features in SBOLDesigner are the ability to add variant collections to combinatorial derivations, enumerating those collections, and the ability to view sequence features hierarchically. There are also some small changes to the way that preferences work in regards to saving a design with incomplete sequences.
BBa_K329001BBa_K329001 Version 1 (Component)LuxR protein generator without terminator (J23110 - B0032 - C0062)
BBa_K329002BBa_K329002 Version 1 (Component)LuxR protein generator without terminator (J23110 - B0031 - C0062)
GFPLVABBa_K411207 Version 1 (Component)Green Fluorescent Protein with LVA tag (GFPLVA)
RFPLVABBa_K411208 Version 1 (Component)Red Fluorescent Protein with LVA tag (RFPLVA)
BBa_K300011BBa_K300011 Version 1 (Component)Self-inducible device with J23101
BBa_K300012BBa_K300012 Version 1 (Component)Self-inducible device with J23105
BBa_K311000BBa_K311000 Version 1 (Component)Constitutive tet promoter with mRFP
BBa_K311001BBa_K311001 Version 1 (Component)Strong and constitutive tet promoter with downstream mRFP
BBa_K311002BBa_K311002 Version 1 (Component)Constitutive lac promoter with downstream EGFP
BBa_K300013BBa_K300013 Version 1 (Component)Self-inducible device with J23106
BBa_K300014BBa_K300014 Version 1 (Component)Self-inducible device with J23110
BBa_K300015BBa_K300015 Version 1 (Component)Self-inducible device with J23114
BBa_K300016BBa_K300016 Version 1 (Component)Self-inducible device with J23116
BBa_K300017BBa_K300017 Version 1 (Component)Self-inducible device with J23118
BBa_K300025BBa_K300025 Version 1 (Component)3OC6HSL sender device with J23101
BBa_K300026BBa_K300026 Version 1 (Component)3OC6HSL sender device with J23105
BBa_K300027BBa_K300027 Version 1 (Component)3OC6HSL sender device with J23106
BBa_K300028BBa_K300028 Version 1 (Component)3OC6HSL sender device with J23110
BBa_K300029BBa_K300029 Version 1 (Component)3OC6HSL sender device with J23116
BBa_K300030BBa_K300030 Version 1 (Component)3OC6HSL sender device with J23118
BBa_K352010BBa_K352010 Version 1 (Component)pCooF Promoter coupled with RBS+GFP+Double terminator
BBa_K352011BBa_K352011 Version 1 (Component)pCooM Promoter coupled with RBS+RFP+Double terminator
BBa_K352012BBa_K352012 Version 1 (Component)CooA coupled with pTetR+RBS
BBa_K352013BBa_K352013 Version 1 (Component)CooA coupled with pTetR+RBS+Double Terminator
BBa_K358013BBa_K358013 Version 1 (Component)SΔTMD1 with terminator
BBa_K300079BBa_K300079 Version 1 (Component)Phasin (PhaP) - head domain - with flexible protein domain linker downstream
BBa_K496004BBa_K496004 Version 1 (Component)Reporter of Salmonella secretion signal with NLS, GFP, etc
BBa_K300080BBa_K300080 Version 1 (Component)Phasin (PhaP) - internal domain - with flexible protein domain linker downstream