BBa_K1179018BBa_K1179018 Version 1 (Component)Fluorescent mKate protein with a fused PEST site for rapid degradation
BBa_K1311007BBa_K1311007 Version 1 (Component)A reporter for the TALE protein binding ability
BBa_K1583014BBa_K1583014 Version 1 (Component)CsgA missing the stop codon for creation of fusion proteins
BBa_K1217014BBa_K1217014 Version 1 (Component)His tag fused to the N-terminal of EutS gene (BBa_K1217013)
BBa_K631001BBa_K631001 Version 1 (Component)ODR-7 (promoter; for use in C. elegans)
BBa_C100011BBa_C100011 Version 1 (Component)ORF of the Oe23 odorant enzyme
BBa_C100013BBa_C100013 Version 1 (Component)ORF of the PAD1 odorant enzyme
BBa_K2116090BBa_K2116090 Version 1 (Component)Spacer for BB assembly
BBa_K1484011BBa_K1484011 Version 1 (Component)This part is actually benzalacetone reductase. Sorry for the mixup.
BBa_J70030BBa_J70030 Version 1 (Component)A BioScaffold Part (Uses PpiI), Protein Tail Remover see Part Design Page
BBa_K1113400BBa_K1113400 Version 1 (Component)Targeting sequence for the delivery of the LacZ gene to the Carboxysome.
BBa_K1113410BBa_K1113410 Version 1 (Component)Targeting sequence for the delivery of the LacZ gene to the Carboxysome.
BBa_J70044BBa_J70044 Version 1 (Component)6his part for use with BioScaffold parts (G)GATCC(glycine serine)-6his-TAA
RBS-GFP-TeBBa_I763020 Version 1 (Component)RBS-GFP (+LVA Tag)-Terminators
BBa_K1758311BBa_K1758311 Version 1 (Component)mRFP under control of the chromium responsive promoter
UsdBO_2477 Version 1 (Component) BBa_K1379015BBa_K1379015 Version 1 (Component)B0032 derivate for RBS used in Lock 3C
ECFPBBa_E0024 Version 1 (Component)enhanced cyan fluorescent protein derived from A. victoria GFP
BBa_K631007BBa_K631007 Version 1 (Component)ADBR2 (GPCR; for use in C. elegans)
BBa_J70100BBa_J70100 Version 1 (Component)Library Vector Test Plasmid for J70040
BBa_J70110BBa_J70110 Version 1 (Component)Library Vector Test Plasmid for J70034
BBa_K2088010BBa_K2088010 Version 1 (Component)A device that expresses the XylE- catechol 2,3-dioxygenase to degrade the catechol .
BBa_K1826003BBa_K1826003 Version 1 (Component)Bactofencin A under the regulation of arabinose promoter
MaoABBa_K1615022 Version 1 (Component)Monoamine Oxidase A RFC25
BBa_I717010BBa_I717010 Version 1 (Component)This is a basic composite part
BBa_K1565000BBa_K1565000 Version 1 (Component)This part is a colorimetric indicator of cell lysis
BBa_K1351004BBa_K1351004 Version 1 (Component)SigD-dependent promoter of the LytABC locus (PlytA) of Bacillus subtilis
BBa_K1510119BBa_K1510119 Version 1 (Component)A truncated INPNC anchor protein that binds fragments on the cell surface
BBa_M34014BBa_M34014 Version 1 (Component)Nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone of saxiphilin from the liver of Rana Catesbeiana
BBa_K1485002BBa_K1485002 Version 1 (Component)A kind of GFP for eukaryotes with a linker (GS)x5
BBa_K1179013BBa_K1179013 Version 1 (Component)eYFP (Yellow) fluorescent protein with a fused PEST site for rapid degradation
BBa_J70050BBa_J70050 Version 1 (Component)Left Library Insert Preparation Part (To use with J70052, and J70040)
ABBa_G0009 Version 1 (Component)The nucleotide A
BBa_C100006BBa_C100006 Version 1 (Component)ORF for the BEAT odorant enzyme
BBa_K737026BBa_K737026 Version 1 (Component)Promoter that can be induced by phosphate and carbon starvation.
BBa_M1677BBa_M1677 Version 1 (Component)a biobrick construct to detect the absence of glucose
iGEM Parts Registryigem_collection Version 1 (Collection)The iGEM Registry is a growing collection of genetic parts that can be mixed and matched to build synthetic biology devices and systems. As part of the synthetic biology community's efforts to make biology easier to engineer, it provides a source of genetic parts to iGEM teams and academic labs.
pLacIQ1-RBBBa_K193406 Version 1 (Component)the coding is the same as BBa_193404 the back bone is changed onto pSB6A1
eGFP+TmTHPBBa_K193203 Version 1 (Component)TmTHP with EGFP for fusion of Antifreeze protein
BBa_I711026BBa_I711026 Version 1 (Component)Amy is learning how to build a biobrick. Hor.
CMV + GFPBBa_K1852000 Version 1 (Component)GFP + CMV Promoter used for expression in oocyte cells. This part was planned to be used as a report
BBa_K594013BBa_K594013 Version 1 (Component)A device that can accepts the 3--O-C6-HSL and then produces 3-O-C12-HSL
BBa_C100012BBa_C100012 Version 1 (Component)ORF of the myrcene synthase odorant enzyme
BBa_K748000BBa_K748000 Version 1 (Component)AgrA protein coding sequence. AgrA is the main component of S.aureus agr quorum sensing system.
BBa_K1065305BBa_K1065305 Version 1 (Component)Blue light sensor without inverter for the production of amilGFP
tctA_505aaBBa_K808004 Version 1 (Component)tctA_505: large subunit A2 of the tripartite tricarboxylate transporter family
BBa_K1634006BBa_K1634006 Version 1 (Component)dsRed ( a reporter which is a red fluorescent protein)
Bm3R1BBa_K1401000 Version 1 (Component)TetR homolog. This is a MoClo part of the Bm3R1 repressor gene with CD fusion sites ('AATG', 'AGGT')
BBa_K1758377BBa_K1758377 Version 1 (Component)Biosensor device for detection of GHB and GBL
BBa_E2030BBa_E2030 Version 1 (Component)enhanced version of EYFP, yeast-optimized