lytCFLAGBBa_K733008 Version 1 (Component)<i>lytC</i> + linker + FLAG???
BBa_K784016BBa_K784016 Version 1 (Component)Phage Lambda fragment 2 - tail proteins
BBa_K784017BBa_K784017 Version 1 (Component)Phage Lambda fragment 3 - tail tip proteins
BBa_K784018BBa_K784018 Version 1 (Component)Phage Lambda fragment 4 - tail fiber proteins
BBa_K932001BBa_K932001 Version 1 (Component)EnvZ Protein
BBa_K784022BBa_K784022 Version 1 (Component)Phage Lambda fragment 8 - lytic proteins
BBa_K758000BBa_K758000 Version 1 (Component)UAS , this is the enhancer . And this enhancer is used to identify the protein localization .
BBa_K758002BBa_K758002 Version 1 (Component)GAL4, this protein binds the UAS
BBa_K763005BBa_K763005 Version 1 (Component)pADH2 + Gene encoding YAP1 protein
BBa_K784015BBa_K784015 Version 1 (Component)Phage Lambda fragment 1 - head proteins
GFP-AIDBBa_K812010 Version 1 (Component)GFP fused with AID-tag (ubuquitinase E3 OsTirI recoginition domain)
BBa_K758004BBa_K758004 Version 1 (Component)GAL4, this part coding protein binds and activates the UAS sequence
UAS-EGFPBBa_K758006 Version 1 (Component)UAS EGFP, this part expresses EGFP in the presence of GAL4 protein.
BBa_K812012BBa_K812012 Version 1 (Component)OsTirI Ubiquitinase E3 for AID tagged protein degradation in the presence of auxin
BBa_K737016BBa_K737016 Version 1 (Component)This part conteins gvpA protein's coding sequence.
BBa_K737017BBa_K737017 Version 1 (Component)This part conteins gvpC-20psi protein
BBa_K737011BBa_K737011 Version 1 (Component)gvpC-GFP fusion protein with medium constitutive promoter
BBa_K737012BBa_K737012 Version 1 (Component)gvpC-GFP fusion protein UH with medium constitutive promoter
BBa_K737013BBa_K737013 Version 1 (Component)gvpC-GFP fusion protein
BBa_K737014BBa_K737014 Version 1 (Component)gvpC-GFP fusion protein UH
CBDcexBBa_K863101 Version 1 (Component)Cellulose binding Domain of Cellulomonas Fimi Exoglucanse (Freiburg-Standard)
CBDclosBBa_K863111 Version 1 (Component)Cellulose binding domain of C. cellulovorans cellulose binding protein gene (Freiburg-Standard)
BBa_K873000BBa_K873000 Version 1 (Component)heat shock 10kDa protein(hsp 10) groES coding resquence
BBa_K739004BBa_K739004 Version 1 (Component)Ax21 protein - signaling part
BBa_K874020BBa_K874020 Version 1 (Component)Myc-Linker (inc. start codon)
BBa_K769000BBa_K769000 Version 1 (Component)Pconst.(High)-RBS-NpSRII-9a.a.linker_NpHtrII-EnvZ-Double terminator
BBa_K769004BBa_K769004 Version 1 (Component)NpSRII-9a.a.linker_NpHtrII-EnvZ
BBa_K769003BBa_K769003 Version 1 (Component)Pconst.(High)-RBS-NpSRII-9a.a.linker_NpHtrII-EnvZ-Double terminator-PompR-RBS-GFP-Double terminator
BBa_K782004BBa_K782004 Version 1 (Component)TALA:NLS DNA binding domain
BBa_K782005BBa_K782005 Version 1 (Component)TALD:NLS DNA binding domain
BBa_K782006BBa_K782006 Version 1 (Component)TALB:NLS DNA binding domain
BBa_K782007BBa_K782007 Version 1 (Component)NicTAL12:NLS DNA binding domain
BBa_K769002BBa_K769002 Version 1 (Component)Kinase domain of EnvZ
CBDcex(T7)BBa_K863102 Version 1 (Component)Cellulose binding Domain of C. Fimi Exoglucanase with T7, RBS, GS-Linker (Freiburg-Standard)
pLac ColE2BBa_K914001 Version 1 (Component)pLac Colicin E2 Immunity protein
BBa_K914002BBa_K914002 Version 1 (Component)repressilator RBS Colicin E2 Immunity protein
BBa_K883160BBa_K883160 Version 1 (Component)CCMV_Negative coat protein
BBa_K883151BBa_K883151 Version 1 (Component)CCMV coat protein gene 25AA N-terminal replaced with HIStag under IPTG inducable promotor
gpSBBa_K836006 Version 1 (Component)Lysis protein S from Enterobacteria phage lambda (codon usage optimized for R. opacus)
Intein_assisted_Bisection_MappingIntein_assisted_Bisection_Mapping_collection Version 1 (Collection)Split inteins are powerful tools for seamless ligation of synthetic split proteins. Yet, their use remains limited because the already intricate split site identification problem is often complicated by the requirement of extein junction sequences. To address this, we augmented a mini-Mu transposon-based screening approach and devised the intein-assisted bisection mapping (IBM) method. IBM robustly revealed clusters of split sites on five proteins, converting them into AND or NAND logic gates. We further showed that the use of inteins expands functional sequence space for splitting a protein. We also demonstrated the utility of our approach over rational inference of split sites from secondary structure alignment of homologous proteins. Furthermore, the intein inserted at an identified site could be engineered by the transposon again to become partially chemically inducible, and to some extent enabled post-translational tuning on host protein function. Our work offers a generalizable and systematic route towards creating split protein-intein fusions and conditional inteins for protein activity control.
Tm-Fluo-liBBa_K157014 Version 1 (Component)Tm-Fluo-linker-cYFP
Tm-FluolinBBa_K157016 Version 1 (Component)Tm-Fluolinker-cCFP
linkerBBa_K157009 Version 1 (Component)Split fluorophore linker; Freiburg standard
BBa_K157010BBa_K157010 Version 1 (Component)glycine-serine linker fused to B-cell receptor transmembrane region; displays protein on cell surfac
HisBBa_K157011 Version 1 (Component)His affinity tag; Freiburg standard
BBa_K157012BBa_K157012 Version 1 (Component)Strep affinity tag II; Freiburg standard
SP-AntiNIPBBa_K157022 Version 1 (Component)SP-AntiNIP-GGGSlinker