Bm3R1BBa_K1401000 Version 1 (Component)TetR homolog. This is a MoClo part of the Bm3R1 repressor gene with CD fusion sites ('AATG', 'AGGT')
PLac-CI-LaBBa_I763017 Version 1 (Component)CI, LacY and LacI coding regions regulated by PLac Promoter
BBa_K511803BBa_K511803 Version 1 (Component)Repressible Fluorescence/Repression Generator (Hef1a-LacO-AmCyan-miRFF4) MammoBlock Device
BBa_K511821BBa_K511821 Version 1 (Component)Inducible Fluorescence/Repression Generator (UAS-Gal4-amCyan-miRFF4) MammoBlock Device
BBa_K101016BBa_K101016 Version 1 (Component)Dually repressed promoter with sites for TetR and P22MNT binding
BBa_K176097BBa_K176097 Version 1 (Component)Cell density controller: pCon 0.04->luxI-LVA+pCon 0.70->luxR+pLux/Tet->lacZalpha-ccdB(weak RBS)
BBa_K176093BBa_K176093 Version 1 (Component)Cell density controller: pCon 1.00->luxI-LVA+pCon 0.70->luxR+pLux/Tet->lacZalpha-ccdB(weak RBS)
BBa_K176094BBa_K176094 Version 1 (Component)Cell density controller: pCon 0.70->luxI-LVA+pCon 0.70->luxR+pLux/Tet->lacZalpha-ccdB(weak RBS)
BBa_K176092BBa_K176092 Version 1 (Component)Cell density controller: pCon max->luxI-LVA+pCon 0.70->luxR+pLux/Tet->lacZalpha-ccdB(weak RBS)
BBa_I12032BBa_I12032 Version 1 (Component)Modified lamdba Prm promoter (repressed by p22 cI with cooperativity) RBS+
PLac-CI-LaBBa_I763018 Version 1 (Component)GFP, LacI, LacY and CI coding device switched on by IPTG
BBa_K176196BBa_K176196 Version 1 (Component)Cell density controller: pCon 0.70->luxI-LVA+pCon 0.36->luxR+pLux/Tet->lacZalpha-ccdB(weak RBS)
BBa_K1088009BBa_K1088009 Version 1 (Component)B. subtilis dxs-GFP protein fusion (lac promoter with LVA-tagged lac inhibitor (LacI:LVA) - IPTG ind
BBa_K176153BBa_K176153 Version 1 (Component)Cell density controller: pCon 0.04->luxI-LVA+pCon 0.36->luxR+pLux/Tet->lacZalpha-ccdB(weak RBS)
BBa_K176150BBa_K176150 Version 1 (Component)Cell density controller: pCon 0.15->luxI-LVA+pCon 0.36->luxR+pLux/Tet->lacZalpha-ccdB(weak RBS)
BBa_K176147BBa_K176147 Version 1 (Component)Cell density controller: pCon 0.36->luxI-LVA+pCon 0.36->luxR+pLux/Tet->lacZalpha-ccdB(weak RBS)
BBa_K1088010BBa_K1088010 Version 1 (Component)E. coli dxs-GFP protein fusion (lac promoter with LVA-tagged lac inhibitor (LacI:LVA) - IPTG inducib
BBa_K176156BBa_K176156 Version 1 (Component)Cell density controller: pCon 0.01->luxI-LVA+pCon 0.36->luxR+pLux/Tet->lacZalpha-ccdB(weak RBS)
BBa_K176249BBa_K176249 Version 1 (Component)Low input score automatic selector w/o lethal device(with reporter): PoPS->mRFP->CI-LVA+pCI->K176240
BBa_K200016BBa_K200016 Version 1 (Component)Temperature Sensitive Lambda cI Repressor
BBa_K1400004BBa_K1400004 Version 1 (Component)pGALtx Dual input promoter. Activation at gal4 binding sites, repression at tetO sites.
BBa_K101010BBa_K101010 Version 1 (Component)Dual-Repressed Promoter for p22 cII and TetR with RBS attached
BBa_K1106000BBa_K1106000 Version 1 (Component)mRFP generator under hybrid promoter: HSL-LuxR activated, P22 C2 repressed
BBa_K101011BBa_K101011 Version 1 (Component)Dual-Repressed Promoter for LacI and Lambda cI + RBS (med strength)
luxR-ndhBBa_K1036000 Version 1 (Component)lux pL controlled luxR with lux pR controlled ndh (LVA-tag) coding for NADH dehydrogenase II
BBa_K165056BBa_K165056 Version 1 (Component)Zif268-HIV repressor reporter
BBa_K1392939BBa_K1392939 Version 1 (Component)RBS + tetR-LVA
BBa_K1140005BBa_K1140005 Version 1 (Component)RBS + TetR (LVA)
BBa_J33205BBa_J33205 Version 1 (Component)hybrid lambda PR-lac promoter, repressed by lambda cI and lacI, plus lacZ
BBa_K101009BBa_K101009 Version 1 (Component)Dual-Repressed Promoter for p22 Mnt and TetR with RBS (med strength)
BBa_K1911004BBa_K1911004 Version 1 (Component)pLamdaR-LacI-GFP-LAA-pLac-ClpXP-CI
BBa_K902060BBa_K902060 Version 1 (Component)katG +LAA inducible generator with lacI promotor (J04500)
RFPLVABBa_K411208 Version 1 (Component)Red Fluorescent Protein with LVA tag (RFPLVA)
BBa_K235020BBa_K235020 Version 1 (Component)[K235017][K235003] (pAra-controlled lambda repressor generator)
BBa_K195603BBa_K195603 Version 1 (Component)RBS + TetR(repressor) + Terminator
BBa_K283048BBa_K283048 Version 1 (Component)tetR(LVA) (Backbone: pSB1AK3)
BBa_M36745BBa_M36745 Version 1 (Component)The sensor codes for AraC, a transcription factor, which represses the operon.Arabinose induces tran
BBa_K1400000BBa_K1400000 Version 1 (Component)PTRE(4)GX Dual input promoter. Activation at tetO binding sites, repression at gal4 sites.
BBa_K1400001BBa_K1400001 Version 1 (Component)PTRE(2)GX Dual input promoter. Activation at tetO binding sites, repression at gal4 sites.
BBa_K195630BBa_K195630 Version 1 (Component)RBS + cl repressor + terminator
BBa_K648031BBa_K648031 Version 1 (Component)RBS with cI repressor
BBa_K195633BBa_K195633 Version 1 (Component)RBS + cl repressor + terminator
BBa_M36475BBa_M36475 Version 1 (Component)Codes for AraC, a transcription factor which represses operon. Arabinose dislodges TF protein.
BBa_K880004BBa_K880004 Version 1 (Component)LVA Tag in RFC25
BBa_K1955006BBa_K1955006 Version 1 (Component)Leishmania 5 prime UTR-HYG-OVA-3 prime UTR
BBa_K1087017BBa_K1087017 Version 1 (Component)RBS +cre-ssrA(LAA)tag +RBS+GFP-ssrA +teminator
BBa_J22200BBa_J22200 Version 1 (Component)RBS(B0034)+luxI -LVA
BBa_K132016BBa_K132016 Version 1 (Component)luxI+KanR-LVA+LacI+PL+KanR-LVA+aiiA+terminator
BBa_I732077BBa_I732077 Version 1 (Component)GFP (RBS+ LVA+ TERM+)